
Showing posts from December, 2018

What Must I Do To Be Saved? What Must I Do To Be Saved? The Scriptures are very clear about what it takes to become a child of God. Here is the simple plan revealed in God's word: Step 1: We must HEAR the Word. Without first hearing the Word of God we would never know we are sinners and that the "wages of sin" is death  Romans 3.23 ;  Romans 6.23 . Without hearing, we wouldn't know of Jesus' sacrifice for our sins and our need for him. It's also where our faith comes from  Romans 10.17 ! Further, we should only listen to our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ  Matthew 17.5 ;  Hebrews 1.1-2 ;  Matthew 28.18 . Step 2: We must BELIEVE what we hear. Merely hearing the Word of God doesn't save. We must believe what we hear or we are not likely to obey God's commands. In  John 8.24 , Jesus says, "...if ye believe not that I am He, ye shall die in your sins." Yet, belief is not enough  James 2.24, we ...

Every Believer A Minister

Every Believer a Minister - Home2World Direction: No Clergy or Laity: All Christians Are Ministers in the Body of ... Every Believer Is a Minister.Jeremiah 6/11/17 “EVERY BELIEVER IS CALLED TO THE MINISTRY” - Pastor ... Every Christian a Minister | The Cripplegate Vision Series (Part 1): Every Believer Is A Minister – Ps. George Mosena Every Christian A Minister You, Yes You, Are a Minister! - Tim Challies Who, Me? Minister? | Every Believer's Calling, The Ministry of Reconciliation | Christian ... A Ministry For Every Believer - Christ Embassy International What is Christian ministry? - Got Questions? All Christians Are Called To Full-Time Ministry | - Jarrid Wilson Am I Called to Full-Time Ministry? - Word of Life Bible Institute God wants everyone in full time ministry? | Christ for all Nations You are a Full-Time Minister of God | GodLife Christian ministry - What is it? - ...

Kelanie Gloeckler - Let Go Now


A A Allen Casts the Devil Out


Kelanie Gloeckler - Let Go Now - MorningStar Ministries
